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Who will own the logo copyright?2022-12-17T08:10:59+00:00

When the final logo design is approved and the final payment is made, you will acquire complete copyright ownership of your logo. We only retain the right to include the logo in our portfolio.

Why should you use WordPress?2022-12-07T09:19:48+00:00

According to World Wide Web Technology Surveys (W3Techs), WordPress is utilized by 43% of all websites on the internet as of December 2022. With such a vast user base, there is also a sizable development community for WordPress. WordPress is also an open source content management system, in addition to the availability of a support community and a large range of plugin possibilities.

What exactly is graphic design and what does it entail?2022-12-17T07:18:43+00:00

Graphic design is a design technique that mixes text and visuals in order to convey a certain message.

What tools do graphic artists utilize while creating these designs?2022-12-17T07:19:01+00:00

Thanks to a vast variety of software and practically unlimited digital design tools, graphic designers may utilize both hand-illustrated designs and computer-aided designs. Software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, along with other important ones, are widely available and are now essential tools for graphic designers.

What is CMS?2022-12-07T08:58:56+00:00

A content management system (CMS) is a web program that allows website owners to add, update, and manage pages on their website. It is essentially the website’s backbone, where modifications can be performed and information may be added or deleted. A CMS eliminates the need to modify HTML and upload pages through FTP (for the most part) to the hosting server.