
Our Blog

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We are here to help and find a solution for you!

How often should I update the content on the website?2022-12-17T05:23:47+00:00

Companies should publish new blogs at least twice a month as a general rule, since blogs are critical to keeping your website updated with the relevant and fresh material that search engines love.

Why should you use WordPress?2022-12-07T09:19:48+00:00

According to World Wide Web Technology Surveys (W3Techs), WordPress is utilized by 43% of all websites on the internet as of December 2022. With such a vast user base, there is also a sizable development community for WordPress. WordPress is also an open source content management system, in addition to the availability of a support community and a large range of plugin possibilities.

How long does the logo design process take?2022-12-17T08:07:36+00:00

We normally allow around two weeks from start to finish to accomplish a full logo design assignment. This period may vary significantly depending on our workload, which we will tell you of at the start of the process and discuss before making any payments. The two-week turnaround time is also affected by response timeframes and the amount of modifications requested to the final design.

What is CMS?2022-12-07T08:58:56+00:00

A content management system (CMS) is a web program that allows website owners to add, update, and manage pages on their website. It is essentially the website’s backbone, where modifications can be performed and information may be added or deleted. A CMS eliminates the need to modify HTML and upload pages through FTP (for the most part) to the hosting server.

Do I really need a website?2022-12-17T05:23:53+00:00

The short answer is Yes! Today, before making any purchase or order any services, consumers research and study the company online. Having a website provides your company an online presence which lends credibility to your company and raises brand recognition. Furthermore, websites may be used for a variety of marketing methods, such as e-commerce, online customer support, and consumer involvement.